Neuro Linguistic programming
How does NLP Work?
The simple answer is “very well”
You can achieve results and positive change, quickly and easily, again and again; which is why NLP is currently the fastest growing type of ‘Self-Development’ tool available.
Become the architect of your future by
Thinking by Design
‘Neuro’ is about how you think: you process new experiences and information through your five senses.
It is about how you think, filter information and events and then code them as memories and meaning inside your neurology. We each have our own unique filtering system, based on our values and beliefs and we process all of this information into internal images and movies.
Your neurology also regulates how your body functions and simply thinking about an event can create a neurological response in your body. Try these exercises and find out…
Thinking about your favourite holiday experience will generate positive feel-good responses in your body: perhaps you smile, feel relaxed, your heart rate slows down, your blood pressure lowers and you flood your body with those feel good hormones of Endorphins, Serotonin, Oxytocin and Dopamine.
Thinking about a traumatic experience or a scary film will generate a more negative response within your body: perhaps your mouth drys, your heart rate increases, your blood pressure increases, you begin to sweat and you flood your body with those energy sapping stress hormones of Adrenalin and Cortisol.
Imagine this - you are in your favourite kitchen, on the counter top is a beautiful wooden chopping board, a knife and a lemon. Look at the colour and shape of the lemon - a vibrant yellow - pick up the lemon and feel the texture of it in your hand, is it smooth and bumpy at the same time? Now bring the whole lemon close to your nose and smell it. Next, take the knife and cut the lemon in half, as you do this, notice the juicy looking flesh of the lemon and see the juice running out of the lemon. Take the lemon half and cut it into half again. Now bring the quarter piece of lemon to your nose and smell the scent of the lemon again - a sharp, zingy citrus smell. bring the lemon quarter to your mouth and bite into the lemon! (I bet your mouth started watering as soon as you came across the word ‘lemon’ in the first sentence!)
‘Linguistic’ is about how you communicate: We use verbal and non-verbal communication systems, through which our neural representations are coded, ordered and given meaning.
We attach language to our internal images and movies. Linguistic is also concerned with your internal voice, which is an expression of your thought, and with your external voice and how you interact and communicate with other people - the communication patterns you use.
‘Programming’ is about how you behave as a result of your thinking and language: The combination of our neurology and our language affects our body and behaviour.
In a nutshell: how you think affects your feelings and how you feel determines what you can do and how you behave. It is more effective to ‘think’ on purpose and with direction. NLP teaches you to ‘think’ and ‘think differently’ as opposed to ‘remembering’.
Henry Ford said “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t - you’re right.” and he was absolutely spot on!
Did you know that 40% of your daily activities are habitual - they are not based on conscious daily decisions - they are daily habits. What habits are you running? Or perhaps more aptly: what habits are running you? When did you set those habits? What year was it? When did you sit down and consciously architect the design of the activities that you need to do continuously, to achieve your goals in life and the great results you deserve?
On average, we have 60 - 70 thousand thoughts per day and the majority of those thoughts (95%) will be the same as yesterday and the day before that and the day before that. We also have a tendency to think negatively: when you focus on the same thing and repeatedly remember an event, then you will run the same negative programmes and subconscious habits as a result.
NLP teaches you to send your brain in a different direction by ‘thinking by design’. Powerful changes can be made at the neurological subconscious level when you combine NLP with Hypnotherapy. Now is the time to consciously ‘think by design’ and re-design the direction your brain moves in.