Education Sector
Learning is not a spectator’s sport; learning is a skill and if you do not teach your pupils and students the skill of ‘learning’, how do you expect them to access the ‘content’ of your teaching in the most effective way? How effectively do you teach your pupils and students how to ‘learn’? Do you teach them at all?
On average, we forget 50% of what we learn within an hour of learning it and 70% within 24 hours. Do you teach your pupils and students the skill of ‘remembering’? ‘Remembering’ and ‘Recall’ is a process: there is no such thing as a GOOD or BAD memory - there is just a TRAINED or UNTRAINED memory.
Do you want to provide a better SATS / GCSE / EXAMS experience for your Students and Teachers? Prior to sitting down to do an exam, do you tell your pupils and students “Don’t worry - just try your best”? If so, you have just given them an embedded command to ‘worry’ and ‘fail’! Or do you tell them my all-time favourite: “Try your hardest” - it seems such a small innocuous statement. It is only 3 words long, so how can this small sentence possibly hinder anybody? The fact is, this 3-word sentence twice suggests that somebody is going to struggle. Wow, what an impact! Just imagine; change your language and you can create the same amount of impact, in the ‘positive way’ that you intended to in the first place.
I work with Students/Pupils of all ages to provide Strategies and Training on Stress Management, particularly “Exams” stress and Confidence and Belief work and how to LEARN IN A LIMITLESS WAY.