Discover the “Best You” with Clinical Hypnotherapy
Life doesn’t just happen to us. We create our own subjective versions of life and events. Life happens FOR US not TO US and we experience it through our own unique internal “maps”.
We use our five senses to perceive and filter information and experiences, which then creates our mental maps. It is our Neuro-linguistic maps of reality that determines how we behave and perform.
People think that they are affected by events in their lives but actually, it is the ‘meaning’ we attach to those events that determine the outcome of the event, not the actual event itself. ‘Events’ are neither positive nor negative: it is our interpretation of the event. It is the way we think! Do you know the way you think?
What would happen if you tweaked your map slightly? Are you ready to find out?
Are you a victim of your own life
are you driving your own bus?